Locations In Highland & Merrillville, IN  | hdcclc@happydaysinc.com

Information for Parents at Happy Days Childcare & Learning Centers of Northwest Indiana


Children are screened daily for any obvious signs of illness. If symptoms of infection are present, the staff will determine whether the child will staff at the center.
If an illness prevents a child from participating comfortably in activities or creates a greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children. Suppose a child's condition is suspected to be contagious and requires exclusion as determined by public health authorities. If the child is ill, the child is made comfortable in a location where a familiar caregiver supervises them until parents notify for pick up. Little children often get sick. It would help keep your child at home throughout the illness to expedite the healing process and avoid getting the other children sick. When your child is ready to return to the center, we would appreciate a note from their doctor indicating that they are free from contagions.
Illness - Useful Information in Highland, IN

Dietary Concerns

Our lunch and snack menus are posted in the entrance area as well as in every classroom weekly. The centers serve breakfast, two snacks, and lunch daily at regularly scheduled times. The menu follows the guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional standards, providing one-third - two-thirds of your child's daily dietary needs. Meals and snacks are at least two hours apart than three hours apart. A copy will be made for parents if desired.
A balanced meal is served each day to all children. Suppose any food must be substituted or withheld for dietary reasons or religious reasons. In that case, a doctor's note or spiritual leader's note must be on file at the school station the restriction and justification for such.
Child Protection - Useful Information in Highland, IN

Mandated Reporter

All employees of Happy Days Child Care have mandated reporters. The protection of the children is the community's responsibility, and that the law provides that anyone may make a report to the hotline. As professionals who work with children, mandated reporters are assumed to be in the best position to recognize and report child abuse and neglect as soon as possible. Mandated reporters are the state's "early warning system" to identify probable abuse early enough to avoid severe and long-term damage to a child.

Building Security and Access

All classrooms, playgrounds, and central offices are monitor by video surveillance. Daily review of video ensures the health and safety of children, staff, and family.
Our doors open at 6:00 am, but staff personnel must let parents into the second set of doors unless you have an access code for entrance locations. The first set of doors is generally locked by 6:30 pm. Any parents utilizing evening services must call the center to alert staff or late arrival.


The State of Indiana requires that each child have a complete physical exam performed within 30 days of their start date at the Center. Before your child attends, paperwork and medical form must be on file. In the enrollment packet, you will find all paperwork. To obtain a medical document, click here.
Physical Exam - Useful Information in Highland, IN
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